# Tcpdump

# References

tcpdump is a powerful network packet analyzer.

# Read a pcap:

$ tcpdump -r file.pcap

# packet filter syntax

Filter destination/source IPs and ports:

$ tcpdump -n src host -r file.pcap
$ tcpdump -n dst host -r file.pcap
$ tcpdump -n port 81 -r file.pcap

packet filter syntax: Pcap-filter man page

# TCP flags

Tcpflags are some combination of S (SYN), F (FIN), P (PUSH), R (RST), U (URG), W (ECN CWR), E (ECN-Echo) or '.' (ACK), or 'none' if no flags are set.

For example tcp[13] may be replaced with tcp[tcpflags]. The following TCP flag field values are also available: tcp-fin, tcp-syn, tcp-rst, tcp-push, tcp-ack, tcp-urg.

Example: To print the start and end packets (the SYN and FIN packets) of each TCP conversation that involves a non-local host.

$ tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn|tcp-fin) != 0 and not src and dst net localnet
$ tcpdump 'tcp[13] = 3 and not src and dst net localnet'

Another example with ACK or PSH:

$ tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-ack|tcp-push) != 0 and not src and dst net localnet
$ tcpdump 'tcp[13] = 24 and not src and dst net localnet'

Note: == can be use instead of = for strict (AND) instead of (OR) when there are several flags.

Flags order:

|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|

# TCP header

0                            15                              31
|          source port          |       destination port        |
|                        sequence number                        |
|                     acknowledgment number                     |
|  HL   | rsvd  |C|E|U|A|P|R|S|F|        window size            |
|         TCP checksum          |       urgent pointer          |

# Options

  • -n: Don't convert addresses (i.e., host addresses, port numbers, etc.) to names.
  • print the data of each packet
    • -x: (minus its link level header) in hex.
    • -xx: including its link level header, in hex.
    • -X: (minus its link level header) in hex and ASCII.
    • -XX: including its link level header, in hex and ASCII.
    • -A: (minus its link level header) in ASCII.