#The Hacking Tool Trove 👑🌴🦜
This website can definitely help you during your penetration test, technical security audit, PWK/OSCP Lab or exam, CTF, challenge, training, etc. by providing tools cheat sheets, tools command examples, tools references, etc.
The idea is to not reinvent the wheel with a nth cheat sheet hacking wiki, there is already:
- PayloadsAllTheThings for payloads
- HackTricks for cheat sheets (methodologies, targeting a port/service/protocol)
- Rawsec Inventory to find tools and resources
- Exploit-DB, Packet Storm, cxsecurity for exploits
- AttackerKB for CVE reviews
- etc.
So THTT (The Hacking Tool Trove) will focus on providing TL;DR manual pages and reviews for hacking tools.
✅ What THTT will help you do:
- Find examples of command for hacking tools
- Find resources associated with a hacking tool
- Find hacking tools associated with a keyword (eg. ssh, smb, java)
❌ What THTT will NOT help you do:
- Find payloads
- Find methodologies to hack
port, service or protocol - Efficiently find hacking tools (use Rawsec Inventory) instead
- Find exploits
- Find tutorials
Made by noraj.